
Burkey Gay Sideboard


The newest “pick” for my Mom Josephine Taylor. A Berkey & Gay burled walnut and satinwood sideboard, federal period, from the 1930’s. Listed as, “need it gone asap-new husband hates it”. (I’d find a new husband😳). Berkey & Gay was synonymous with quality. This was a US furniture company started in Grand Rapids, Michigan, in 1855 and closed by 1948. Upon arriving for pick up, the husband said, “good luck with that “thing”-may it drop off the back of your truck”. I’m delighted it didn’t. The sad irony is that this couple purchased a new buffet, manufactured in China of pressed board. Millions produced. A dime a dozen. Low quality and nothing as unique as this buffet. They let this beauty slip away because they didn’t appreciate what a true piece of mastery it is. Mom bought it for $300.
