In the midst of my Mom’s packing and move, she pulled out a dingy copper stockpot from Portugal that my Dad bought for her in 1973 from Johnny Appleseed’s in North Beverly, Massachusetts. She had not used it since I was in college because the metal inside had worn off from so much use. The outside was so dark one could not tell it was copper. Thank God she handed it to the child who is overly emotional about things from her past. The stock pot that I ate many a chicken soup from and my Dad’s famous spaghetti sauce could not be tossed into the Good Will pile. Instead, I contacted Jim Hamann at East Coast Tinning, #eastcoasttinning, in East Greenwich, Rhode Island, to do his handiwork. Look at what we received last night. The best gift from the past, to be used for another 40 years. #recycle #restore #retinning #rhodeislanders